Happy 4th of July!!!

I know we are all glad to finally kick off the beginning of a GREAT and hopefully RAIN FREE summer with this 3 and possibly for some of you 4 day weekend. Well I would like to here how you the READERS are spending your 4th of July. With all the events ranging from All White Affairs to Cookout and outdoor concerts, How are you rockin' out?

Last night I kicked off my weekend at The Governors Ball at Providence

Me and Boss Lady getting our ALL WHITE on at Providence

You can submit your story HERE in the comments section as well as a link to a pic of you having a good time.

For a picture to make it easy you can use twit pic uploader at or you ubertwitter twit pic link. You can also submit a link to any other album share such as photobucket or facebook if you know how.

I look forward to hearing your stories


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