I Need Blog-cation . . .

Im tired of the DRAMA

Its no secret all the negativity I receive . . . In hand I have tons of people who appreciate my VOICE . . .

Time to take a break . . .

Work, School, My LIFE has me toooo caught up . . .

Sorry My Pink Monkey has to be put on HOLD . . .


  1. your blog is boring because it seems that you are paid to promote 7days7nights because that is where you get all your content from when there are so many other sites with good shit out there.The way you have their cock in your mouth looks like you are looking for something. i am sure mike will notice and fuck you for your efforts eventually so dont stop.stick to writing about stuff you know about like getting knocked up at a early age but if you dont like our parties stay your pink monkey ass out of the clubs.

  2. To the person that posted the above message,
    Wow that was ultra corny of you to remain anonymous and if u don't like what she writes why come to her blog?? You just gave her another view. The parties in NY does suck now thats why i dont party anymore. Stop worrying about other people and step your game up.

  3. You are just as corny unless your real name is the realist.

    So if your corny ass made it to obie's party last night, you would notice that it did not suck. No one is begging corny chicks to come to their party.


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