I do not believe in PUBLICLY removing yourself because the MASSES won’t leave you alone. That ain’t me.
Some people are just really mean and like to manipulate their higher advantage to bully you off the area but they in fact feel threatened by your presence.
I HATE people like that . . . I’m just saying
MOREOVER there have been situations and events that occurred in my life and I haven’t really elaborated on them or felt the need to really be vocal about it because I don’t give a fuck. Sorry for being so rash with the use of language but I don’t. ::shrugs shoulders:: LOL
But I will say when meeting new people and socializing with the MASSES you accumulate a large amount of ASSOCIATES. Some to whom you become close, then a select few you grow CLOSER to becoming BEST FRIENDS or so you may think until situations get STICKY.
To that I will say there will be decisions that you make helped determined by these KEY Words :
Lesson of the day: People are phony and may surround themselves by friends of CONVENIENCE. That’s life. People are stepping-stones and some people are just meant to be STEPPED on.
Not to imply I
I been the same since DAY 1 so how you liked me yesterday but today I am an "evil bitch"?
I have no respect for posers . . .
Where's YOUR Identity . . .
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